Dan Brown’s First Page-Turner Novel

How could someone miss the name of this definite genius in writing? An author who creatively and assumingly decoded the message of the famous painter-Leonardo Da Vinci- with his writing which undoubtedly heaved million of readers around the world to browse his masterpiece expecting until the end. A writer who had caught the attention of the most influential religious leader in the world. An scriber who lines his piece with suspense and unpredictable twist of story. These are only some of the common descriptions of this one-of-a-kind writer in the world—Dan Brown.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Blogging For Money

Blogging online is obviously rampant nowadays. From well-known firms up to simple private individuals. Companies who have their own blog help them to promote their products and services they offer. Private individuals like writers create their own blog for many reasons. Some of those reasons are for building their reputation in the World Wide Web with their writing compositions and to earn extra income by embedding some gigs on their blogs like banners of advertisements. Also, other writers join writing sites that pay them for every view garnered by their articles. Triond, Bubblews, PersonaPaper, WritEdge, DailyTwoCents, etc. are the most common writing communities which help writers attain their goals of earning extra budget. But as a writer, is it beneficial for us to write for money?

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Passion VS. Priority: Confusingly Unusure

Most of us might already experience to be a mediator between the conflict of our passion and priority. It is like being a referee between the battle of our wants and needs. Admit it or not, it is obviously difficult for us weighing which is more important and what is to be done first in some circumstances. Continue reading “Passion VS. Priority: Confusingly Unusure”